Etsy is rolling out... calculated shipping costs!

Etsy is changing how shipping policies will work, and I think most shop owners will agree it is for the best. You may have noticed that Etsy shoppers now have a different view of delivery options. Check out the visible change on an item's Shipping & Policies tab. >>>

New Shipping Options on Etsy!

This change is just a minor step before Etsy unveils the big development --- CALCULATED SHIPPING COSTS!

For example, the current shipping methods on Etsy allow for only 1 shipping rate across all of the U.S. This has meant that sometimes a seller loses money when they ship out the product, or in other cases, the buyer paid a little extra. However, with the shipping prices being calculated based on the customer's location, the prices will be much more accurate. Everyone with be dealt with more fairly when it comes to the shipment cost.

So, what do you think? Will the new shipping features benefit you and your online shop?

Check out the official announcement to read all the details!