Giveaway {$25 Gift Certificate} to Pine Branch Designs #lasthurrah

Summer is coming to a close, but we're not giving in yet – we're celebrating One Last Hurrah for Summer with this giveaway hop hosted by Viva Veltoro and So Easy Being Green!

For the next two weeks, enjoy this last hurrah of the season by hopping around to all the bloggers who have come together to offer some great prizes to give away!

It's time for a giveaway!

$25 Gift Certificate
to . . .
Pine Branch Designs

About the Shop:

Pine Branch Designs provides a lovely assortment of handmade products, all inspired by nature. As a bestsller, the cedar spa soap dishes are created to preserve your soaps longer (grab your sampler!). You'll also want to look at the rustic products made from natural branches, like the wooden gift tags and labels. The magnetic therapy jewelry comes in functional and ethnic styles---a trendy way to wear therapy jewelry. Check out the shop for a wonderful selection of other trinkets too!

1 winner will recieve a $25 gift certificate to make a purchase from Pine Branch Designs!

Visit Pine Branch Designs here:
Etsy | Pinterest | Newsletter | Facebook

Would you like to win the $25 prize?

Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below to submit your entries.
Contest ends on October 3rd. Open to U.S. entrants only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now that you've entered my giveaway, be sure to hop around to all the others in the linky below, including the Grand Prize – you don't want to miss this one, courtesy of Brylane Home!


Click here to enter the Grand Prize.

Viva Veltoro, So Easy Being Green, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the One Last Hurrah for Summer participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

See more products at Pine Branch Designs!