Without further ado..... let me show you the intro image for my NEW design.

"Heartfelt Thoughts" describes the mood and setting for this shop bundle. Mixing elements of black, white, & a few shades of pink... it is perfect to add a touch of a {Valentine's Day} theme to your Etsy Shop.
Here's the shop banner itself...

Behind the silhouetted trees, there is a discreetly visible diamond pattern for the eye to catch. Please note that the placement of the adorning heart and bird can move around the image according to your shop's name, so that everything fits together. Also, feel free to add a slogan or extra line of text underneath the shop name, if wanted. All font styles can easily be changed as well.
It comes with all of these avatars...

And these matching graphics...

You receive a lot for just $5, right? This introductory price won't be around for long, so purchase your set as soon as possible! Obviously, the set contains the perfect elements and colors for putting some Valentine's Day into your shop...